Common symptoms associated with anxiety:
Inability to stop worrying
Racing heart, fast breathing
Diminished ability to concentrate
Depersonalization (a feeling of watching oneself)
Derealization (the alteration in one’s perception or experience of the external world)
Avoiding situations that cause anxiety, and/or stop you from doing normal activities
Types of anxiety:
Panic Disorder (extreme fear and/or discomfort that occurs within a 10 minute period, often reccurring)
Social Anxiety Disorder (e.g., fear associated with being embarrassed or humiliated in a public environment)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (persistent and ongoing worry relating to multiple areas of one’s life; worry is difficult to control; lasts for over 6 months or more)
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (experiencing or witnessing a severe traumatic event that threatens one’s or another’s physical integrity)